I have been a tech enthusiast since childhood, who loves to explore the internet and is always curious about new technologies.
Being a student with commerce background I was a CA aspirant, But somehow I always found web technologies more fascinating and got into web technologies. At present I'm a certified web developer who is passionate about coding.
I've been woking on PHP, Laravel, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, WordPress and HTML/CSS since the year 2018 and I'm pretty efficient in my work.

Professional Skills Knowledge and technologies I use to create websites and applications.
PHP PHP 7 language to develop web applications.
MySQL Relational databases MySQL to store data.
HTML/CSS Relational databases MySQL to store data.
JavaScript/jQuery Javascript to make site more interactive.
Wordpress PHP based CMS Development.
Frameworks On the shoulders of giants.
Laravel PHP framework Laravel.
ORM Eloquent ORM.
Bootstrap HTML, CSS, and JS library.
Tools and Principles I use daily.
VS Code Development Environment.
Terminal Command line.
Chrome Google Chrome Web Browser.
Git Version control system.
Composer Dependency Manager for PHP.
OOP Think in objects.
Web Development
Web development is the work involved in developing a Web site for the Internet or an intranet.
PHP based CMS Development
A content management system (CMS) is a computer software used to manage the creation and modification of digital content.
E-Commerce Development
E-Commerce Development Takes your offline shop to online and help your business to grow and flourish around the world.
PHP/MySQL Development
PHP combined with MySQL are cross-platform (you can develop in Windows and serve on a Unix platform.
Social Networking Solutions
Social networking sites allow users to connect, communicate, share ideas, digital photos, videos, posts, and much more.
Custom PHP Development
PHP is a general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development.

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